HCMx Radio 08: The Benefit of Simulation in Recruiting and Training

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HCMx Radio 08: The Benefit of Simulation in Recruiting and Training

When it comes to running any human resource function, it all boils down to finding and retaining the most talented people that will fit in your organization’s culture.  With that in mind, leaders spend a lot of time focusing on the incremental stages that make up the employee life cycle.  As I thought about what weaves each aspect of the cycle together, it became apparent that having a realistic idea of what the job entails today and what expectations and opportunities are for the role to change and grow is critical to not only attracting the person to the role, but keeping them with the company.

In this episode, we talk about how HR leaders can learn and take action using case studies and how Brandon Hall Group members can access award-winning case studies.  We then jump into the importance of simulation in the recruiting function.  Ben comes up with some challenging questions for talent acquisition leaders and recruiters.  He then jumped into how shocking it is that we rely so heavily on interview questions instead of simulation even though simulation will give you much more relevant information.  We talked about using simulation for jobs from administrative to factory positions and then turned to management roles.


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